Saturday, January 18, 2014

Getting into the Swing of Things

Hello Friends!
So, this blog thing ... I am not too good at it and I am not too excited about it because I can't do it. But then I decided to look at the brighter side of it and thought, maybe our teacher is right. Maybe this blog will benefit me in my future. Thinking about this I decided to deal with it and actually do a good job with it. Maybe I'll do some research on how to make a blog look cool and do it. Who knows, maybe I'll create something cool.
This week we learned about Punctuation. I am terrible at punctuation, and always have been. It just doesn't make sense where to put commas, how colons and hyphens work. However, I think I learned a little more with our punctuation quiz that we took (totally bombed it). All in all, I'm looking forward to the receiving the benefits of this class.
With that said, here is my blog class! It is a work in progress but I will get it to look awesome don't you worry. I hope at least.

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