Saturday, February 22, 2014


Since we didn't have class last week I didn't know if we are supposed to do a blog today or not. However, I decided that I would do it since it wouldn't hurt posting something short. This weekend we have the chance of retaking the Grammar Quiz which is SUPER nice. I love that we have a second opportunity to take that beast of an exam.
Retaking the exam not only gives us a chance to get a better score but it also helps us get the rules stuck more in our heads. Therefore, this is why I'm glad we have the opportunity to take it again because it helps me remember the rules and hopefully apply them to my writing.
This class is great because of how much it will help us with so many important things in our lives. I hope I will be able to remember these rules and be a better writer.

To end on a happy note I wanted to post a funny video on grammar... So here you go!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Here We Go!

It's the time we all dreaded... Presenting.
I'm excited to learn how to present and to get better at it; however, I don't want to actually go through the presenting part. Knowing myself, and how I do when I present, I know it will all go downhill. I hope that it won't, but I know it can because of how nervous I get.
I like the whole "react" thing online. I feel like this is going to be a huge benefit to us. But then again, I'm nervous to see the millions of things that I will need to fix with my presenting.
It will take us awhile to get used to presenting, but I'm sure that by the end of this class we will all have miraculously improved for the better. Already, I'm learning so much. Hopefully I will learn and apply the things I'm learning to improve my presenting.
All in all, being a good speaker definitely takes practice and hard work. I think one thing I will have to work on this semester is making sure I know my stuff. I want to practice a lot before I present so I won't freeze up when I get in front of the class. I feel like rehearsing it through a lot will benefit my presenting skills a lot and help me not use those terrible filler words.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Don't get too Nervous

So, um, uh, ya, k, alright... You're burning up, sweating everywhere on your body. But strangely you are cold as ice and starting to go numb. Your voice shakes, and you notice your whole body is too. In your mind you are screaming, "What is this? Why am is my body reacting like this? I'm trying so hard to not have a nervous break down, but my body is not helping in any way."

Ever feel like this kid when you get up in front of an audience? I'm sure this has happened to us more than once, but hopefully not as bad. You get so nervous that you can't even talk, and don't remember anything you say. Therefore, you start using those filler words. It's a terrible thing we humans do, but we can't help it.

I had a job interview this week and was so disappointed in myself because of how many times I said the word "um". But the good thing was, that I recognized it right off the bat and tried to stop it as best as I could.

My goal for this class it to be able to make it through an entire presentation without using filler words, as well as not getting nervous. I will do this by going up there in confidence, knowing that the audience wants me to do my best and that they care about what I say. I will do breathing exercises to relax myself. Then I will say a little prayer to help me remember what I need to say, because prayer always works.

Anyway, stop being a nervous wreck like this little kid and gain some confidence in yourself. Come prepared and you will do a good job. Find a way where you can get all the nervous feelings out, and you will do fine. Good luck everyone on your presentations!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

We love Grammar!

Grammar can be so funny sometimes. I wanted to find a funny picture for grammar and found this. The girls in this class will definitely appreciate it. 
Anyway, good luck everyone on the Grammar Exam this weekend. It wasn't too bad. Just kidding. Who can ever say Grammar is easy? 
But hey, we all love grammar right? That's why we spent a month learning about it in class. I kind of just decided to suck it up and take it because it is going to be a huge benefit to me in the future. Who knows, maybe we all will become grammar Natzis in our family. But for reals, this will definitely help us in our future life. Whether that be in getting a good job, or just making us sound smarter.
I like the sound of both of those. Therefore, I want to be able to have really well written sentences so in the future, it just comes naturally. I think this class will definitely help with this and so I'm going to remember these grammar rules we have learned and use them in our papers; instead of throwing the information out once we take the test.