Saturday, February 15, 2014

Here We Go!

It's the time we all dreaded... Presenting.
I'm excited to learn how to present and to get better at it; however, I don't want to actually go through the presenting part. Knowing myself, and how I do when I present, I know it will all go downhill. I hope that it won't, but I know it can because of how nervous I get.
I like the whole "react" thing online. I feel like this is going to be a huge benefit to us. But then again, I'm nervous to see the millions of things that I will need to fix with my presenting.
It will take us awhile to get used to presenting, but I'm sure that by the end of this class we will all have miraculously improved for the better. Already, I'm learning so much. Hopefully I will learn and apply the things I'm learning to improve my presenting.
All in all, being a good speaker definitely takes practice and hard work. I think one thing I will have to work on this semester is making sure I know my stuff. I want to practice a lot before I present so I won't freeze up when I get in front of the class. I feel like rehearsing it through a lot will benefit my presenting skills a lot and help me not use those terrible filler words.


  1. You will rock your presentation when it comes. Just be confident, and if you mess up, just go with it. Most people don't even notice if you do something wrong unless you let it show. I rehearsed so much because I get stage fright, and that seemed to help a lot! Good luck!

  2. Practice makes perfect! I definitely think practice helps get rid of jitters and awkwardness. We focused a lot on "role playing" in my mission, which is another way to practice in front of people and get good feedback.

  3. I feel like as long as you wear a rainbow colored backwards hat with moose shapes on your sweats you should be good. Everybody likes to listen to someone with some swag;) Are emoji's acceptable in blog comments or would that fail the grammar test? Either way I'm doing it. We're going to do awesome Lexi, have no fear!

  4. You will do great! I think we are always hardest on ourselves. I believe in the importance of finding things we did well while presenting so we have a reason to be confident. For example I think I do an okay job at eye contact when presenting. While I present I think about how good I'm doing at making eye contact instead of thinking about all the other mistakes I am making and therefore I'm more confident and I don't make as many other mistakes as I would have if I had focused on them. Good luck and be positive!
