Retaking the exam not only gives us a chance to get a better score but it also helps us get the rules stuck more in our heads. Therefore, this is why I'm glad we have the opportunity to take it again because it helps me remember the rules and hopefully apply them to my writing.
This class is great because of how much it will help us with so many important things in our lives. I hope I will be able to remember these rules and be a better writer.
To end on a happy note I wanted to post a funny video on grammar... So here you go!
I didn't know if we had to do a blog this week either, but it's better safe than sorry! I hope you did well, or you do well on the retake! I really need to study more to take it Monday, I honestly kind of forgot about it!
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your good attitude. When I think about all the assignments that I have to do before 5pm every Tuesday, I am not happy, but when I think about the practical application of the things I learn in MCOM, it is easy for me to see how it helps my life. I am grateful for the resume tips we got tonight and I hope I can get ready for some interviews next month.
ReplyDeleteGreat post!